Monday, October 13, 2008

34 week belly pics!

Big ole belly!
big ole belly

Me and my shadow..
cool belly and shadow

Jack's House!
jack's house

Getting ready to have my life turned upside down..
upside down pregnant pic

I am upside down .. and very wise ..
upside down wise belly

Behind the Red Door ..
cool red door

I love Jack!
i love jack!

Sittin' and Thinkin'
sittin' and thinkin'

Heart in Hands
heart in hands


Jill said...

What gorgeous pictures! You are glowing. :)

Ariella said...

I love those. I am going to have to send my photographer to your blog so we can recreate a few of them! You are glowing, and look great!

Rachel said...

Alicia you look absolutely stunning!! isn't it amazing how much bigger we still have yet to get ? :) Seriously your belly is gorgeous!

Sasha & Mark said...

You look GREAT! Adorable pics!! :)