Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Like sands through the hourglass...

I got nothin' really. Time has officially come to a standstill. Or so it would seem. I am just biding my time until May 12 - my birthday, and day of our NT scan. I need two things to happen on that day. 1) I need confirmation that baby is still alive and growing and healthy. 2) I need to NOT be told that anything looks risky or weird.

I know having the NT scan at all is a gamble - given that it IS a screening ultrasound and they are basically looking for trouble. But I have to have it. I have no choice. (Well, I do - but mentally - I don't.) I have to have another ultrasound and this is the only way to get one. That may sound terrible to some - but you're not me. I have suppressed so much anxiety over the past few weeks - I can't concentrate on work - all I can do is wonder about the health of my baby. I just want to know we're still chugging along. Ugh. Come ON!

Wake me up when it's Monday....


Anonymous said...

Suppressing anxiety.. I can certainly relate to this. I knew that parenthood was an exercise in patience... who would have thought that the process becoming a parent was such an excruciating test of the depths of patience as well?

I hope your NT scan goes well and I understand your reasons.


Maria (MKC101103) said...

My DH has the same b'day as you. I hope the u/s gives you the best birthday present ever!!!

Newt said...

I'm not even managing to suppress my anxiety, but I don't know that expressing it helps much either.

Hope time flies until Monday, and you get a great birthday present. A perfect one.

Jill said...

Hope the time flies and that you get fantastic news (and great pictures) on Monday!

Anonymous said...

I need help! will progesterone pills stop your period? My doctor put me on them when I ovulated last and I dont feel prego but have not gotten af either?

Melisha said...

Please let us know if you are okay?


ONE OUT OF SIX said...

I'm OK Melisha!!! I'm sorry I didn't update right away. How are you???

The Infertile One said...

I also did a NT scan this month just to get another ultrasound. You are not alone in the search for the ever elusive ultrasound :)

ONE OUT OF SIX said...

Anonymous - progesterone pills can delay your period. Not always (they never did with me) but they certainly can have that effect. But if you're late - take a test! Good luck to you!!