Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A very quick update...

... because I haven't updated in so long! All is well ... I am FINALLY feeling more regular movement - nothing crazy - but some more defined kicks and pokes. Still pretty faint - although not so faint that J didn't feel a few last night with his hand on my belly! So that is really wonderful - goes a long way toward making me feel like the little one is safe and healthy in there.

Check-up tomorrow ... hope all are well! Update me on how YOU are doing! :-)


Ariella said...

I am glad you are feeling better now that you have more movement. As for me I am well.

Sasha & Mark said...

How exciting! It must be feeling more real for your Dh too!

Update: I'm in double digits!! 10 weeks-- can't believe it. I have my last RE u/s on Monday...

GL with your next appt!

Maryann said...

That is awesome! I can't wait to feel the baby much more often as you are.

I'm doing well. Don't have my u/s until I'm 21 I'm dying over here!!