Tuesday, March 18, 2008


After a horrible morning - much of which was spent with me sobbing so hard I could barely breathe - it turns out my beta today at 15dpiui is 173. That's a great number. But let me back up ...

I peed on my fifth FRER this morning - and it was - lighter. But with each passing day - the line should get darker, right? The more HCG building up in your body, the more in your pee, HPT lines should get darker. Well, turns out that's more theoretical than factual. And I *know* that .. because I've seen other people post that the home tests only show if you're pregnant or not - not HOW pregnant you are, and not to base anything on how dark or not dark the line is.

But everybody does. And so, like everybody, I did too. And so when that faint line came up (and oh it took its time showing up at all) - I lost my mind. Started crying - and couldn't stop. Forced myself to go lay down (it was still very early) and tried to calm down. Then I got up and got ready and went for my blood draw - crying in the car on the way to the clinic. I stopped when I got there because I didn't want people to think I was nuts and also because I knew I was going to run into a new friend who just found out about her pregnancy too (she's a week ahead of me and found out today it's TWINS!!) anyway - I didn't want to be a big downer or burst into tears talking to her in the waiting room. So I held it together .. got my blood drawn .. they said they'd call later - and I got in my car in the parking lot and SOBBED. Hysterically. Like those crazy gulping can't breathe sobs. I was so sure it was over.

Somehow - I pulled myself together and drove home. Took a digital. "Pregnant" popped up pretty fast. I analyzed whether it popped up fast *enough*. Cried some more. Hugged the two onesies I bought over the weekend. I felt so broken.

Just after noon - the clinic called. To tell me I was pregnant (and I could only think, yeah, I know, but HOW PREGNANT?) And then they told me how pregnant. HCG level of 173 pregnant (average for 16dpo is 150 - I'm only 15dpo - so 173 is great.)

I am still calming down. After such an emotional morning - I am wiped out. I am so happy about the 173. Now it just has to stay high - and get higher. They're not bringing me back in for SIX days. Most clinics bring you back after a first beta within 2 - 3 days. But not my clinic. But I'm OK. As long as I'm not spotting or bleeding, I'm OK. (Pity my husband if that happens. That would be BAD even though it can be normal in early pregnancy. I don't care. I don't need the stress. No spotting.)

So I go back Monday for a second beta and an ultrasound to make sure the grain of rice is where it's supposed to be - in my uterus and not stuck in a fallopian tube.

No more home pregnancy tests. I'm done. Cold turkey. I swear.

So, yeah. 173. I can live with that. That works. Deep breaths...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That's higher than my first beta - 121- and I am still pregnant at 27 weeks today! Can't believe they are not bringing you back in for 6 days??

ONE OUT OF SIX said...

Anonymous I know! SIX days. But part of me says, well, even if wasn't rising, it's not like they could DO anything about it. So screw it. I'll wait the six days. (But I am annoyed. I was getting ready to switch clinics anyway...but now I'm sorta stuck but it's OK.)

Melisha said...

Gosh, I am so jealous I have never gotten up to 173! That is so awesome! Think positive thoughts.......Melisha

ONE OUT OF SIX said...

I'm trying Melisha! Thank you for your kindness and support. I hope you DO get to 173 .. and far beyond.

Melisha said...

I wish you lived in Ohio, it would be nice to have a friend like you near!


ONE OUT OF SIX said...

Aw .. you are so sweet Melisha. How are you - what's the latest?

Meghan said...

173 is fantastic! Congrats!

Melisha said...

Went to see my RE this afternoon. He wanted to get everything set up for this next cycle and talk to me about the biopsy results. On day three of this coming cycle I will start the Follistim. He would like me to release two mature follicles between the sizes of 18 and 23. No bigger than 24. He would like my estrogen level to be around 500 at trigger time. I will then have the HCG trigger shot and then intercourse as much as humanly possible for a good 24-48 hours afterwards. The day after ovulation I will start Prometrium 200mg three times a day, Prednisone 5mg once a day, and Lovenox. I will continue on the 81mg aspirin and pnv that I have been taking. A week after ovulation I have to take another 1/2 HCG trigger shot. 14dpo I will take a pregnancy test, which will be positive, and I will have lab work done to verify a very good HCG level (I hope). My husband is to take a mulit-vitamin and another vitamin called L-Carintine to hopefully ensure good, high quality sperm. So basically the egg, sperm, and lining are all covered so this just has to work because if it doesn't we are running out of options. If I miscarry again he said we have to change one of the three variables. Different egg, sperm, or surrogate. My husband objects to all three and I can't even think about this without starting to get a knot in my throat. So this just has to work!


Maryann said...

Congrats! That's a great first beta. I believe this will be it for you.

ONE OUT OF SIX said...

melisha - that protocol sounds EXCELLENT - I really like your RE's plan for you!! BEST of luck!!! And remember - even the healthiest, never have any problems couple isn't going to be successful every month - so even if this protocol doesn't work the first time (BFN) - it's worth another shot. It really sounds like a very good plan. I give your RE two thumbs up! ;-)

Melisha said...

